European Day of Jewish Culture 2014: Larisa, Greece

Larissa: European Days of Jewish Culture in Lariss

Date/Time: September 13, starting time 7.30 pm

Address: 29 Kentavron st. Jewish Martyrs’ Square – Larissa 41222


We are happy to announce the participation of the Jewish Community of Larissa to the European Day of Jewish Culture for 2014, with the general subject “Women in Judaism”. Together with B’nei B’rit – Athens , we are organizing an event in Larissa, on Saturday September 13, dedicated to Greek – Jewish Women Writers. The idea is to honor Greek Jewish Women who have contributed to spreading jewish culture though bibliography (novel writers, poets, historians, scientists, journalists, translators, ethnographers, publishers) The event will take place in the Synagogue at 7.30 p.m. and the program includes: Welcome speeches by the presidents of B’nei B’rit and the Jewish Community of Larissa, Lecture on contribution of women to jewish heritage by Mr. Manos Alchanatis, Professor of the University of Athens, Small presentation of the honored women writers and their work and offering honorary diplomas. After that, people will pass to a book fair in the Community Center, where they will be able to see and buy the books of the honored writers. For the closing of the event we will give a cocktail reception at the Synagogue yard, with Jewish food buffet and Jewish music. Invitations for the event will be sent to members of our Community, all Jewish Communities and Organizations in Greece , the authorities of the city (Mayor, Prefect, e.t.c.) Cultural Societies and active Women Organizations of Larissa and non-Jewish friends.
We hope it will be a successful and interesting event which will give many people the chance to get acquainted with our Jewish Community and its contribution to local cultural life.


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