Tag Archives: New York City

Sephardic American Jewry: Communities and Contributions

Please join us for a very special event funded by a grant from the Edmond J. Safra Foundation 2:00 PM:  Panel 1: From There to Here: Voices from the Judeo-Arabic, Judeo-Spanish and Syrian Jewish Communities Speakers: Professor Jane Gerber; Dr. Houman Sarshar; Rabbi Marc Angel; Doreen Carvajal Moderator: Dr. Nina …

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El Nuevo Coloso poema de Emma Lazarus en el pedestal de la Estatua de la Libertad en Nueva York con traducción al ladino de Liliana Benveniste

… ¡Guardaos, tierras antiguas vuestra pompa legendaria!, exclama ella./ Dadme a vuestros rendidos, a vuestros desdichados,/ a vuestras hacinadas muchedumbres que anhelan respirar en libertad./ Enviadme a éstos, los desamparados, los que por la tempestad son azotados./ ¡Yo alzo mi antorcha junto al puerto dorado!». El anterior es un fragmento …

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Chocolate and the Jews

Throughout history, Jews have been among the leaders in many professions and industries, ranging from music to science to film to medicine to finance to sports. What is less known is the role that Jews played in the spread of the spread of chocolate around the world. This would be of …

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