Sephardic Memory and Movement Conference: The Spanish Jewish Diaspora and Its Cultural and Artistic Contributions to the American Southwest

Thursday, March 10, 2011 at 5:30 PM – to – Friday, March 11, 2011 at 3:30 PM (MT)

University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Centennial Hall and The Lodge
1420 Austin Bluffs Pkwy
Colorado Springs, CO 80918

Hosted by:
Dr. Roger L. Martinez, Assistant Professor of History
Inquiries regarding the conference should be directed to or 719-255-4070.

University of Colorado at Colorado Springs

Sephardic Memory and Movement Conference, Pre-Registration Ticket:  Mar 10, 2011 – Free

The program will be a two-day (March 10-11, 2011) cultural and scholarly event held at UCCS that highlights the history of the Sephardic Jews and their contributions to the American Southwest.  In addition to engaging scholarly lectures, there will be an evening performance of medieval and contemporary Sephardic music and a showing of crypto-Jewish glasswares. This free event will feature Ms. Vanessa Paloma, Dr. Stanley Hordes, Dr. Seth Ward, Dr. Ofer Ben-Amots, Ms. Sonya Loya, Dr. Abe Minzer, and our keynote speaker, Dr. Seth Kunin. Additional event details, parking instructions, and guidance will be continuous posted on this website. The program organizers would like to acknowledge the generous financial support of the CU President’s Fund for the Humanities and the Diversity and Excellence Grants.

Tentative Agenda

Thursday, March 10, 2011

6:00 p.m.
Welcoming Reception and Light Refreshments (location tbd)
6:00 –
6:20 p.m.
Welcoming Remarks and Brief Introduction to the History of the Sephardim, Conversos, and Crypto-Jews(location tbd)–Dr. Roger L. Martinez, UCCS, Department of History
6:20 –
7:20 p.m.
Panel Discussion on Contemporary Jewish and Latino Relations in Colorado
(location tbd)–Dr. Seth Ward, University of Wyoming (panel leader)
7:20 –7:30 p.m. Short Break
7:30 –
9:00 p.m.
Sephardic Musical Concert
(UCCS, Centennial Hall 203 Auditorium)–Featuring Ms. Vanessa Paloma (Casablanca, Morocco) and UCCS Department of Musico   Solo performance by Vanessa Paloma featuring medieval Sephardic music before and after the diaspora from Spain in 1492 (40-45 minutes)

o   Intermission (10 minutes)

o   Ofer Ben-Amot’s Kantigas Ulvidadas and Songs from the Pomegranate Garden (“Mi Korason» and «Ven Mos Amaremos.»), Vanessa Paloma accompanied by Prof. Abe Minzer (25 minutes)


Friday, March 11, 2011 

10:00 –
10:10 am
Welcome and Overview
(UCCS, The Lodge, 2nd floor)–Dr. Roger L. Martinez, UCCS, Department of History
10:10 –
11:00 a.m.
The Sephardic Legacy in New Mexico: A History of the Crypto-Jews (UCCS, The Lodge, 2nd floor)–Dr. Stanley Hordes, University of New Mexico–40 minute presentation and 10 minute Q&A
11:00 –
11:50 a.m.
Sephardic Renewal of Ladino Language and Music in Israel
(UCCS, The Lodge, 2nd floor) –Dr. Ofer Ben-Amots, Colorado College–Vanessa Paloma performing one or two pieces

–40 minute presentation and 10 minute Q&A

11:50 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Lunch on your own at UCCS 
12:30 –
1:45 p.m.
Keynote Address:
Juggling Identities: Identity and Authenticity among the Crypto-Jews
(UCCS, The Lodge, 2nd floor) –Dr. Seth Kunin, University of Durham, UK–60 minute presentation and 15 minute Q&A
1:45 –
2:45 p.m.
Contemporary Jewish/Crypto-Jewish Art Show & Lecture
(UCCS, The Lodge, 2nd floor)–Featuring a presentation and showing of the glasswork of Ms. Sonya Loya (one of her pieces is depicted on the conference poster)
2:45 –
3:30 p.m.
Concluding Reception
(UCCS, The Lodge, 2nd floor)

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