Piyyut »Sukká ve lulab» interpretado por el joven rabino y hazán David Kadoch de Toronto
Netibot haMa’arab – e»H Ribi Eliyahou Bitton s»t
1) It is our custom to be very strict that each person should build his own Sukka in his backyard so that he and the people of his household can sit in it relaxed and with pleasure in order to fulfill the pasuq (Vayiqra 23:42) «In Sukkot you shall dwell for seven days.» This is based on what is brought down in the tiqunim, that one who builds a Sukka, Hashem will «cover» him in the world to come. See the Zohar and the Shé-iltot deRab Ahai who brings down that there is a misva in building a Sukka (Debarim 16:13) «The holiday of Sukkot you should do for yourself.» In the sefer Yafé Leb it is brought down that one who is careful to build a Sukka is guaranteed not to have any fights or arguments in his household that year. The Kaf haHayim also brings this and says to look in the Sefer haPardes leRashi for another proof to this. See also Nahagu ha’Am p.370, QS»A by Ribi Toledano zs»l p.320-337, Dibré Shalom veEmet p.111, Osrot haMaghreb (Sukkot).
2) We have the minhag to place a «reed» in each of the four corners of the Sukka, we call these » ‘Edim» – «Witnesses.» This is because they are coming to be our «witnesses» that we did not build this Sukka for the shade but rather solely for the misva itself and because of this the Zohar calls it «Sela deMehemnuta,» the «Sukka of Faith.» See Qobes Minhagim (Sukkot).
4) It is customary to hang a chair in the Sukka in honour of Eliyahou haNabi, zakhur letob. On it we place holy books and mahzorim. This is based on what the Kaf haHayim writes regarding the concept of preparing a chair for the Seven Guests, and it appears that from this our custom came about. This and through our pure faith that Eliyahou haNabi will appear before the Mashiah does. See Qobes Minhagim (Sukkot), the original source is from Maran haHida in Moré ba’Esba p.284.
5) It is our custom to decorate the Sukka as much as possible because of our love for the misva of Sukkot and anyone who goes above and beyond their obligation is praiseworthy. This is based on what Hazal say on the pasuq «This is my G-d and I will glorify Him.» The sefer Qeren David writes that there is a hint to this minhag in Proverbs (4:8) where it says «Salseleha utromemeka» – «exalt Her and She shall promote you,» the Rashé and Safé Tebot (beginning and ending letters) of these words spell out Sukka. See Yalqut Yosef (Siman 638:1).
Our holy sages, Hazal, teach us that «one who studies [at least two] Halakhot daily is guaranteed a portion in ‘Olam Haba (the world to come).» -Masekhet Meghila 28b
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