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moneda gracia nasi

After saving and helping thousands of her Jewish brothers and sisters, Doña Gracia Mendes Nasi (1510-1569) dedicated her efforts to fulfill a dream that could be considered a messianic prophecy: to establish an “independent Jewish State” in the land of Israel.

In 1558 Doña Gracia is in Constantinople, where she and her nephew Don Yosef Nasi (1524-1579) were, after the Sultan, the most influential family in the Ottoman Empire. This Empire spread throughout the Middle East, including the land of Israel. As we all know, Jews always lived in Israel. And in those years (1530-1550) an important rabbinic center was being developed in Tsefat (Safed, in the north of Israel) led by Rabbi Yosef Caro. This city will be also known as the center of study of Qabbala. In 1560 the Jewish population of Tsefat was 1,000 families. The inhabitants of Tsefat were mostly Sephardic refugees who after very dangerous journeys managed to reach Israel (I tell this story in more detail in my book “Forgotten Giants” ). There were also Jews living in Yerushalayim, but they were in a very miserable situation. Jerusalem was a city for which Christians and Muslims were constantly fighting. The Yehudim were hated by both. I’m copying literally (and without euphemisms) a document that will give us an idea of ​​the situation of the Yehudim of Yerushalayim at that time. This text is from a Franciscan priest named Francesco Suriano: “These dogs, the Jews, are steeped upon, beaten and tortured, as well they should be. They live on this land in conditions of submission that no words can describe… [and particularly] in Jerusalem … where even the Muslims treat them like dogs.” (The Woman Who deified Kings.”p. 434)

The city of Tsefat was in the province of Tiberias, but the city of Tiberias itself was practically in ruins. The Christians did not fight and the Muslims had no intentions of rebuilding it. Tiberias was a ghost town, in total abandonment, where chaos reigned.

Doña Gracia then had a wonderful idea: she offered the Sultan to develop the city of Tiberias and increase taxes for the Royal Treasure. In 1558 the Sultan granted Doña Gracia the concession of the city of Tiberias. Doña Gracia , as the Tax Farmer, was allowed to rebuild the city and develop it commercially, but she had to guarantee an annual income of 1,000 gold pieces for the Sultan. Doña Gracia accepted. The position that she would have was the equivalent of being the governor of the city. She would enjoy total independence (as long as the tax collection was maintained). The project of Doña Gracia, which had the blessing of the Sultan, was that once the city walls would be built, all the Jews of the world would have a place in it. In Tiberias Jews would be able to settle down and live in peace and security. Especially those who needed it most urgently: the anusim, the Sephardic refugees from Spain and Portugal, who were escaping from place to place in Europe, practicing a religion that had been imposed on them by force. The “Tiberias Project” would be the realization of the greatest dream of Doña Gracia: after having saved thousands of Yehudim from captivity, giving now their people the opportunity to live free and safely IN THE LAND OF ISRAEL!

In 1561 Don Yosef Nasi (later to be assigned the “Lord of Tiberias”) and Rabbi Yosef Ben Aderet began building the city walls, which was essential for the basic safety of Tiberias. They also beautified the city and developed it commercially. As 500 years later did the Keren Kayemet leIsrael, their first project was to plant trees: orange trees, pines and especially mulberry trees. Mulberry trees are essential for the breeding of the silkworm and the production of natural silk, a very profitable industry that they plan to develop in Tiberias. They also introduced beekeeping to produce honey.

In December of 1564 the walls of the city, which exist until the present day, were finally erected.

Don Yosef Nasi invited the most important Jewish merchants from Europe, especially from Venice, to transfer their factories to Tiberias. Don Yosef also sent ships to several European cities offering to bring the anusim Jews with no const to Tiberias. It is said that many Jews, those of Ancona, for example, were so poor that they had no money to get to the port. Don Yosef Nasi sent emissaries to locate these Jews and help them reach the port and make Aliya.

Jews began to arrive from Spain and Portugal to the promised land, which was now an earthly paradise, where the evening wind perfumed the city with the scent of pines and orange trees.

Doña Gracia also founded a Synagogue and a Bet HaMidrash, a Torah study house in the city, led by Rabbi Elazar ben Yohai from Tsefat.

The most promising view in the city was a construction site: a beautiful mansion that was built to become the new and definitive residence of Doña Gracia Mendes Nasi.

(Next week, BH, we will write the last chapter the life of Doña Gracia).


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