Muevo Livro: «Ayer i Oy Kuzguncuk» de Roz Kohen e Yvonne Levi Parkinson

roz kohen scaled

Ayer i Oy, Kuzguncuk  es sovre la komunita Djudia en uno de los vizindados Djudios mas viejos de Estambol en el lado Asiatiko del Bosfor.

Eskrito en Djudeo-Espanyol, una lingua kon risko de despareserse ke sorbivyo durante sinko sieklos en las tierras Otomanas, i traduisido al İngles, el buto del livro es de dokumentar las memorias de esta lingua ke esta desparesyendose.

La kurta estorya de evenimyentos istorikos, kontados endjuntos kon las memorias de chikes al tiempo de la sigunda meatad del sieklo XX, es un esforso para kreer la vida en un vizindado Djudio ande la lingua Djudeo-Espanyola dainda estava biva.

Yesterday and Today, Kuzguncuk is about the Jewish community in one of Istanbul’s oldest Jewish settlements on the Asian side of the Bosporus.

Written in Judeo-Spanish, an endangered language that survived for five centuries in the Ottoman lands, and translated to English, the purpose of the book is to document memories of this endangered language.

The summary of historical events, told alongside childhood memoirs set in the second half of the 20th century, are meant to recreate life in a Jewish neighborhood where the Judeo-Spanish language was still alive.

Roz Kohen – Yvonne Levi Parkinson
Ayer i Oy Kuzguncuk / Yesterday and Today Kuzguncuk
216 p.  Ladino / English
Front and back covers attached.
Price: Euro / USD 45.- + DHL cost $ 30.-
Payment by credit card.

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