5ª Escuela Internacional de Primavera en Estudios Judaicos «Hogar, Pertenencia y Exilio – Sefarad y Más Allá»

The Spanish version will be followed by the English one.

Nos complace informarle que desde el día 27 de mayo al 3 de junio de 2022 se celebrará en Madrid y Toledo la quinta Escuela Internacional de Estudios Judaicoss «Home, Belonging and Exile – Sepharad and Beyond», fruto de la cooperación entre Hebrew and Jewish Studies Department of the University of Amsterdam; The Open University of Israel; King’s College London; Jewish Cultures across Mediterranean Europe (J-Med) CSIC-UCM; y el Museo Sefardí de Toledo.

La Escuela está dirigida a estudiantes universitarios en estudios judíos y filología hebrea y contará con participantes de los Países Bajos, Israel, España y Reino Unido. A través de las distintas sesiones y visitas se analizarán los conceptos de hogar, pertenencia y exilio en el contexto de la historia de los judíos, con un enfoque especial en torno a Sefarad y a su posterior diáspora mediterránea.

We are happy to announce that the Fifth International Spring School in Jewish Studies «Home, Belonging and Exile – Sepharad and Beyond» will take place from May 27 to June 3, 2022, in Madrid and Toledo. The School has been organized jointly by the Hebrew and Jewish Studies Department of the University of Amsterdam; The Open University of Israel; King’s College London; Jewish Cultures across Mediterranean Europe (J-Med) CSIC-UCM; and the Sephardic Museum (Toledo).

The School is intended for graduate students in Jewish Studies, with participants from the Netherlands, Israel, Spain and United Kingdom. The academic sessions and field trips will deal with the concepts of home, belonging and exile through Jewish history, with a special focus on Sepharad and the Mediterranean Diaspora.


Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and University Complutense of
Madrid (UCM)
C/Albasanz 26-28, 28037, Madrid

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