Tag Archives: mizrahi

La revolución musical árabe judía

La portada del álbum de A-Wa de 2019, «Bayti Fi Rasi». Una pequeña pero vital revolución musical ha tenido lugar en Israel. En las últimas dos décadas, un pequeño grupo de judíos mizrajíes (judíos de ascendencia del Medio Oriente y el norte de África) han regresado a sus raíces judías árabes y …

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Sephardi, Mizrahi Jews a forgotten part of the refugee equation

For centuries Jews co-existed for the most part peacefully with their various neighbors across North Africa and the Middle East. Jewish communities thrived from the Atlantic Ocean to the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, from Casablanca to Alexandria and Baghdad. Today, they all have been virtually driven to extinction. Within one …

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Giving Sephardi history and culture a voice….at last

Last week, history was made in a manner of speaking, as a Ministry of Education Committee, tasked with empowering Sephardi and Mizrahi cultural studies and history within the general education curriculum, led by Israel Prize laureate Erez Biton, handed its recommendations to Education Minister Naftali Bennett. While for many, this will …

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New focus on Sephardi and Mizrahi heritage

Suggestions include heritage trips to Morocco and Spain, TV series on Sephardi and Mizrahi Jews, and university departments on Middle Eastern Jewry. Education Minister Naftali Bennett (right) shakes hands with Israel Prize laureate Erez Biton after receiving a committee’s recommendation on increasing Mizrahi education in Israeli schools, on July 7, …

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Mizrahi Nation

Yemenite Jews walking to Aden, the site of a transit camp, ahead of their emigration to Israel in 1949. Zoltan Kluger/Government Press Office.

Long shut out of the country’s story, Middle Eastern Jews now make up half of Israel’s population, influencing its culture and its life in surprising new ways. Who are they? The story of Israel, as most people know it, is well trod—perhaps even tiresome by now. It begins with anti-Semitism …

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¿Qué es la Música Mizrají?

Entre todo el material de los medios de prensa escritos y electrónicos que recibiemos cotidianamente en la redacción de eSefarad se incluye el resumen de novedades del Anajnu, el portal judío de Chile (www.anajnu.cl) que siempre tiene muy buen material tanto de la historia y actualidad local como del mundo …

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