Si usted es un latino de ascendencia judío-sefardí, sepa que hay una enfermedad neurológica mortal de nombre Machado-Joseph (MJD, por sus siglas en inlgés) muy parecida al mal de Parkinson que podría afectarle a usted o a los suyos. Si no entiende de lo que le estamos hablando, sepa que …
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Lenguaje de Colón revela que era un judío catalano
Irizarry, profesora emérita de la Universidad de Georgetown, llega a esa conclusión El origen de Cristóbal Colón no es incierto por casualidad, sino que él lo ocultó a propósito porque era un judío o judío converso cuya lengua materna era el catalán, según declaró Estelle Irizarry, una profesora estadounidense. Irizarry, …
Read More »Jews at risk of passing on certain genetic disorders; Screening advised
By Eve Glicksman, Staff Writer, myOptumHealth Content provided by If you or your spouse come from a Jewish background, there is a greater risk of passing on certain genetic disorders to your children. These serious, sometimes fatal disorders can show up in families with no history of the disease. In …
Robert RUBIN MAYO, M.D., M.A. November 7, 2008 The purpose of the Jews of Rhodes Project is to try to identify the original 50 families who were Iberian, Italian, and Romaniote Jews that existed in Rhodes in 1522. This will be done by studying the paternal lines (using Y …
Read More »Some US Hispanics trace their Jewish past
They discover roots in the Sephardic Jews of Spain through DNA testing. Sanford, Fla. – Wendy Martinez Canelones grew up Catholic and Seventh-day Adventist. But she always felt drawn to Judaism. She once had a vivid dream of herself embracing a blue volume of the Torah. She tears up recalling …
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