Tadrada de Enverano en Palm Beach

Dear friends,

Summer is here and I am excited to announce that through the bold initiative of Daisy Newell and Elias Barrocas, a new program has been launched! Daisy and Elias were disappointed to realize after our last Echar Lashon meeting of the season that it would be several months before we would  formally meet again – and there was born the idea to test a new Summertime event series.
So, I am very proud to share with you our inaugural “Tadrada de Enverano”- Summer’s Afternoon. Daisy and Elias will host a monthly film showing and discussion group at the Hagen Ranch Branch Public Library in Delray Beach. With seating for 200 people, we hope to attract our year-round members as well as members of the public who have not yet heard about our organization. “Tadrada de Enverano” will be a wonderful way to stay in touch throughout the year while continuing to fulfill our Sephardic educational mission goals. If you are not here this summer, don’t fret, we hope to be initiating a similar series with Temple Shaarei Shalom, or, if successful, to continue with the Hagen Ranch Library. Special Note: this is an English speaking event, though I am sure the Ladino will flow freely among those who speak it!

All the important information is below.

The film series is FREE, but we will encourage donations at the door and hope the series may become a small fundraiser for other activities.

After Movie Dinner Together:  Anyone attending is invited to join Daisy, Elias and myself for an early bird dinner after the movie at a Greek restaurant nearby. Rodos Greek Taverna  is located at 3441 West  Woolbright Rd, Boynton Beach, FL 33436  (Restaurant Phone: 561-737-7800).  It is located just west of Congress Ave, between Military and Lawrence Roads on the south side of Woolbright Road. The restaurant takes CASH ONLY for Early Bird Dinner, so be prepared! Please rsvp for dinner to Rose Allen at 561-795-6832 roseallen@comcast.net

Rose P. Allen


The Sephardi Federation of Palm Beach County presents

Tadrada de Enverano

Summer’s Afternoon

A Free Film Series
Celebrating Sephardi Jewish Life Around the World

Hagen Ranch Road Branch, Palm Beach County Public Library
14350 Hagen Ranch Road, Delray Beach 33446
Library: (561) 894-7500  

Join us for fascinating films and discussion with Sephardic history expert
Elias Barrocas

Donations appreciated to help continue our educational mission


Sunday, June 19th, 1:30 pm

«El Ultimo Sefaradi» (The Last Sephardi Jew)

90 minutes in English, Ladino, Spanish, and Bosnian (with English subtitles)
Directed by Miguel Angel Nieto of TVE (Spain TV) 2003 ~ International Festival Best Film Awards Eliezer Papo, a young rabbi born in Sarajevo (Bosnia), is a teacher of Judeo-Spanish living in Israel. He takes a solitary journey that starts in Jerusalem and traces the Sephardi diaspora back in time since the expulsion from Sefarad in
1492. His first destiny is Toledo, the spiritual capital of Sephardim in medieval times and from there he continues to Salonica, Split, Sarajevo, Istanbul, and Curacao. Stunning cinematography, old songs, old tales, dramatic experiences and beautiful words, which have survived for more than five centuries, color this film in a quest to capture and preserve the glorious legacy of Sephardic Jewry.

Sunday , July 17th, 1:30 pm

» Three Voices – Sephardim in America»

90 minutes in English with Ladino
Three separate short films explore the personal experience of growing up steeped in Sephardic family culture and the challenges of assimilation in America. Featured: «Arvoles Lloran Por Luvias» (Trees Cry For Rain) with Rachel Amado Bortnick; «Ojadas Al Mundo Sefaradi» (Glimpses of the Sephardic World) with Daisy Alalouf
Newell; and «The Key of Spain» with Flory Jagoda.

Limited Seating, Please RSVP to Daisy Newell (561) 964-5141 daisynewell@bellsouth.net
Call Daisy for more information about The Sephardi Federation of Palm Beach County, Inc.

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