Lisbon Jews and New Christians of the Lusophone World (JCNL) 2015 International Congress
On December, 1496, King Manuel signed the Edict of Expulsion of the Jews from Portugal, after centuries of sometimes peaceful, sometimes troubled coexistence within Christianity. This edict would be one of the great propellers of the Jews dispersion worldwide. Conversos and sometimes Jews would find also in some of the territories occupied by Portuguese, diverse, specific, hybrid and creative ways to perpetuate their Jewish identity.
This conference intends to bring together researchers who have done research on this Jewish and converso presence in Lusophone territories and on Jews who interacted with them. Accrued over 500 years of expulsion of the Jews from Portugal, there certainly persist Jewish communities with some connection to the Portuguese matrix or there remain testimonies of their presence in the past, regarding the various dimensions of culture, history, language, heritage or social practices.
All contributions that allow to consolidate and increase the scientific knowledge on this subject of Jews in Lusophone world, whether integrated in the field of the Jewish studies, cultural studies, social and human sciences will therefore be welcomed.
The keynote speakers will be Djanirah Couto, Yosef Kaplan, Gérard Nahon, Tudor Parfitt, Jonathan Schorsch, Maria José Pimenta Ferro Tavares, and Berta Waldman.
- Jewish Lisbon Tour (2 Dec. at 6 p.m.)
- Congress Dinner (3 Dec. at 8:30 p.m.)
- Jewish Film Exhibit (4 Dec.)
Preliminary Scientific Program
For more information, see