"Bendichas Manos" – Rhodesli Luncheon….Sunday, October 24, 2010

   How absolutely fortunate we are to have the chance to be together and enjoy each others company!!!  

   We, Rhodeslis, whose parents, grandparents, or great grandparents hailed from the Island of Rhodes….. eventually landing in Southern California.   So many of those early immigrants settled and raised their families in the L.A. area, near 55th and Hoover, where our community synagogue, Ohel Avraham, was built.

   The next generation moved to all parts north and south to raise their families, post WWII, and still we stayed connected, through familial and community ties.  We stayed connected even when we didn’t have a synagogue center, holding High Holiday services at the rented YMCA building on Santa Rosalia in Baldwin Hills.

   Eventually we built our Sephardic Hebrew Center near Slauson and La Cienega. Through all the years we gathered for picnics, social events, beach parties, always enjoying each others company and our shared history and heritage. Our social gatherings were legendary: Luaus, Mediterrean Nights, Fideo Rodeos…..what great memories we have!  

   Ultimately, we merged with our friends at Sephardic Temple Tifereth Israel on Wilshire Blvd in Westwood.   And as we share our traditions with the greater Sephardic and Jewish communities, we still enjoy those occasions when we gather together, Rhodeslis, to share that connection that is uniquely ours.  How very blesesd we are!!

   Some photos and videos from our gathering.  Please pass this site around to those who may not receive Bendichas Manos yet.  All are invited to subscribe (free of charge!) and receive updates as they appear.  

    Stayed tunes this week for recipes of the goodies served at this luncheon!!!

   A great time!  Sincere thanks to all who worked to plan and create this event and to all the cooks who lovingly prepared the lunch – Bendichas Manos!!!



Agradecemos a nuesto amigo Yehuda Hatsvi que nos mandó esta información.

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