ucLADINO Symposium: Networks, Relationships, and Zones of Contact
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New York
Assistant Professor of Spanish and Linguistics
State University of New York at Binghamton
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
«Zonas de kontakto, linguas en kontakto:
el djudeo-espanyol en Los Andjeles i la sivdad de Nu York»
Zones of Contact, Languages in Contact: Judeo-Spanish in Los Angeles and New York City
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The Isaac Alhadeff Professor in Sephardic Studies
University of Washington in Seattle
Thursday, March 3, 2016
«Leshos de aki ama muy serka de korason»
Far from here, but close at heart: Ladino Publishing Networks from the Mediterranean to America
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UCLADINO is a student-run organization at the University of California, Los Angeles dedicated to promoting the knowledge and use of the Judeo-Spanish language(s).
Now in its 5th consecutive year, the ucLADINO Judeo-Spanish Symposium is the nation’s premiere space for students, scholars, and community stakeholders to connect and share original research on linguistic, literary, cultural, and historical facets of Judeo-Spanish.
This year we will explore the ways in which Judeo-Spanish creates and/or functions within and across diverse physical, socio-cultural, and linguistic geographies. Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
• Diversity and transformation in linguistic contact zones
• Trans-historical and intergenerational relationships
• Judeo-Spanish in domestic and public spaces
• Political, economic, and cultural networks and activism
• Underrepresented communities in the Sephardic Diaspora
• Judeo-Spanish in interdisciplinary studies
• Crossing borders in literature, music, and performance
• University-Community relations and collaborations