The Seventeenth World Congress of Jewish Studies – Call for Papers – Proposals until November 15, 2016.


We are happy to announce that the Seventeenth World Congress of Jewish Studies will take place at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, August 6 – 10, 2017. The Congress will mark 70 years since the First World Congress of Jewish Studies. Scholars from all fields of Jewish Studies are invited to submit proposals for papers and sessions to be presented at the Congress. We particularly encourage proposals for complete sessions.

The Congress program has six divisions:

The Bible and Its World; History of the Jewish People; Rabbinic Literature, Jewish Law and Jewish Thought; Languages, Literatures, and the Arts; Contemporary Jewish Society;  Research Projects and Technology.

The Academic Committees of the Congress divisions are responsible for accepting or rejecting the proposed lectures and sessions.

Proposals for Sessions – Scholars who wish to propose a complete session (four lectures or three lectures and a response), are requested to submit a separate proposal for each lecture in the session,indicating the title of the proposed session, the names of the other lecturers in the session, and the name of the session chair.

The Executive Committee of the World Union of Jewish Studies reserves the right to accept or reject any of the lectures submitted as part of a session.

Proposals for Lectures: Scholars who wish to deliver a lecture in one of the Congress divisions are asked to submit a topic accompanied by an abstract. The duration of each lecture will be 20 minutes with an additional 10 minutes at the end for discussion. Any participant may present only one lecture over the course of the Congress. Proposals may be submitted by doctoral students and Ph.D. holders only; exceptions may considered by the Executive Committee.

Round Tables – Proposals for round tables may be submitted by email to The proposals will be considered by the Executive Committee of the World Union of Jewish Studies.

Sponsorship – Research Centers and Institutes are invited to sponsor sessions in their areas of interest.

Special events – Proposals for special cultural events to be held during the Congress may be submitted by email.
Participation in the Congress is contingent upon payment of WUJS membership dues for 2017 as well as Congress participation fees.



  1. Proposals for round tables and special events must be submitted via email until November 15, 2016.
  2. Proposals for lectures and sessions must be submitted electronically via the website until November 30, 2016.

The World Union of Jewish Studies’ academic committee will choose to accept or decline lecture proposals. Lecturers will be informed of the committee’s decision until February 2017.



Tel: 972-2-5325841   Fax: 972-2-5325910


EAJS World Congress of Jewish Studies 2017 Travel Stipend Programme

The European Association of Jewish Studies offers a travel stipend programme for up to twenty-five Full Members of the Association to attend the World Congress of Jewish Studies in order to present a paper. More information is available on the EAJS website.


We hope to see you among the participants.



Prof. Moshe Idel                                   Dr. Sara Yanovsky
President                                             Executive Director

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