Tag Archives: Canada

Concierto de Judith Cohen

domingo, 22 enero, 2023 • 29 Tevet 5783 19:00 – 21:00 Conocida por su trabajo con canciones sefardíes como intérprete y académica, Judith Cohen cantará muchos de los tesoros en ladino menos conocidos, desde viejas baladas con fascinantes historias hasta extravagantes canciones de repertorios femeninos. También escucharemos canciones de la diáspora sefardí …

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Tribute to Jews from Arab Lands: Part 5, Syria

As part of B’nai Brith Canada’s week long series to commemorate the nearly 1-million Jews who fled their homes across Arab countries and Iran, we spoke to Joseph Esses and Olga Abadi Esses z»l from Syria. Part 5, Syria As part of B’nai Brith Canada’s week long series to commemorate the …

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Tribute to Jews from Arab Lands: Part 4, Iraq

As part of B’nai Brith Canada’s week-long series to commemorate the nearly 1-million Jews who fled their homes across Arab countries and Iran, we spoke to Asad Muallim from Iraq. Part 4, Iraq Although Asad left Iraq illegally in the early 1960s, his family that stayed endured many hardships, including arrests …

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Tribute to Jews from Arab Lands: Part 3, Lebanon

As part of B’nai Brith Canada’s week-long series to commemorate the nearly 1-million Jews who fled their homes across Arab countries and Iran, we spoke to Ronit Eskenasi from Lebanon. Part 3, Lebanon Ronit’s grandfather was successful in smuggling several Jews out of Lebanon, wearing only the clothes on their backs, …

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Tribute to Jews from Arab Lands: Part 2, Libya

As part of B’nai Brith Canada’s week-long series to commemorate the nearly 1-million Jews who fled their homes across Arab countries and Iran, we spoke to Noemi Lieberman, originally from Tripoli, Libya. In 1947, wearing only the clothes on their backs, she and her family were forced to flee Libya, …

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