Tag Archives: Aleppo

Soñando con Alepo y Damasco… y la paz

Una familia judía de Damasco, fotografiada en 1901 (dominio público), con la ciudad y su mezquita omeya como telón de fondo, fotografiada a principios del siglo XX (colección de la familia Lenkin en la Biblioteca Nacional de Israel)

Los judíos estadounidenses con raíces en Siria siguieron la reciente revolución allí y soñaban con regresar, aunque sólo fuera para visitar el país. Algunos también esperan que esto anuncie un cambio en la política siria hacia Israel. El derrocamiento del régimen de al-Assad por parte de las fuerzas rebeldes a …

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Índice de apellidos judíos de Alepo

El lento declive de la comunidad judía de Alepo comenzó durante el siglo XIX tras la apertura del Canal de Suez en 1869 y se aceleró tras la agitación de la Primera Guerra Mundial y el colapso del Imperio Otomano en 1918. Al igual que otras comunidades judías que habían prosperado en …

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Muere el último Gran Rabino de Aleppo

Yom Tov Yedid z’l, falleció en Nueva York a los 93 años de edad. Fue el último Gran Rabino de la Ciudad de Aleppo, Siria, escenario de violentísimos combates en los últimos dos años y donde hoy un grupo importante de combatientes del Estado Islámico está siendo cercado. Yedid, pasó por …

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Morre último rabino-chefe de Alepo

Yom Tov Yedid z’l, faleceu em Nova Iorque aos 93 anos de idade. Ele foi o último rabino-chefe da cidade de Alepo, na Síria, palco de violentíssimos combates nos últimos dois anos e onde hoje um grande grupo de combatentes do Estado Islâmico está cercado. Yedid, passou pelos pogroms e …

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The Most Perfect Hebrew Bible

A 1,000-year-old parchment from a Hebrew Bible manuscript is displayed at Jerusalem's Yad Ben-Zvi institute Dec. 2, 2007. The institute said the scrap forms part of the Aleppo Codex and was kept as a lucky charm by Sam Sabbagh, a Syrian Jew who in 1947 plucked it from the floor of an Aleppo synagogue that was torched after the United Nations vote to partition Palestine.(Ammar Awad/Reuters)

The medieval Aleppo Codex was safeguarded for centuries in Syria. The problems started when it arrived in Israel. The Aleppo Codex, which dates back to the 10th century, is considered by many Bible scholars to be the most perfect copy of the Hebrew Bible that has ever existed. Yet most …

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Jewish Aleppo, Lost Forever

Jewish family in Aleppo (left) and the Aleppo Citadel seen from the southwest, c. 1910. The original stereographic images have been altered into an anaglyph. When viewed through red-cyan glasses, the above image will produce a stereoscopic 3D effect. (Anaglyphs Tablet Magazine; original photos Library of Congress)

The Syrian diaspora in Israel watches its once-vibrant ancestral home fall to ruin in the country’s civil war The northern Syrian city of Aleppo, once a pillar of Jewish existence worldwide, is slowly being destroyed by the fighting that has engulfed Syria for the past 17 months. Last week, a Free Syrian …

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Mizrahi Nation

Yemenite Jews walking to Aden, the site of a transit camp, ahead of their emigration to Israel in 1949. Zoltan Kluger/Government Press Office.

Long shut out of the country’s story, Middle Eastern Jews now make up half of Israel’s population, influencing its culture and its life in surprising new ways. Who are they? The story of Israel, as most people know it, is well trod—perhaps even tiresome by now. It begins with anti-Semitism …

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Aleppo Britot Database Released on JewishGen.org

Aleppo Britot Database Released on JewishGen.org «Know from where you came and to where you are going.» (Ethics of the Fathers 3:1) New York – July 25, 2011 – JewishGen is proud to announce that a database of more than 7500 Aleppo Britot from 1868-1945 is now available on its …

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