16th British Conference on Judeo-Spanish Studies


Sixteenth British Conference on Judeo-Spanish Studies in Collaboration with the Naime and Yehoshua Salti Center for Ladino Studies, Bar-Ilan University

Queen Mary, University of London
Mile End Road, London E1 4NS


Tuesday 13 July to Thursday 15 July 2010

Contacts: Hilary Pomeroy and Chris Pountain

The British Conference on Judeo-Spanish Studies is an international scholarly forum for university teachers and researchers working in Judeo-Spanish Studies, and welcomes papers from both eminent scholars and those engaged in doctoral studies. Our emphasis is on Judeo-Spanish Language and Judeo-Spanish Literature.

The next British Conference will take place at Queen Mary, University of London from Tuesday 13 July to Thursday 15 July 2010. It is being held in collaboration with The Naime and Yeshoshua Salti Center for Ladino Studies, Bar-Ilan University, Israel.

Final Programme

Tuesday 13 July

0930-1000 Registration

1000 Monique Rodrigues Balbuena (University of Oregon): ‘Athens, Salonika and Israel in Margalit Matitiahu‘s Poetry’
1100 Krinka Vidakovic-Petrov (Institute for Literature and Art, Belgrade): ‘The Gender Perspective in Sephardic Folklore of the Balkans’

1100-1130 Coffee

1130 Olga Borovaya (Stanford University): ‘Charting New Territories: A Representation of Sixteenth-Century Istanbul and the Birth of Ladino Literature’
1200 Julia R. Lieberman (St. Louis University): ‘Jewish Daily Life in Jerusalem in the 1630s’
1230 Moisés Orfali (Bar-Ilan University): ‘Una versión en judeoespañol de las historias de los reyes osmanlíes de R. Yosef Sambari’

1300-1345 Lunch

1345 Friederike Ruth Winkler (Wiener Gesellschaft für Jüdische Studien): ‘Rabbi Ruben Baruch‘s Ladino version of Yehuda haLevi’s Azharot for Pesach’
1415 Revital Refael-Vivante (Bar-Ilan University): ‘Translations of Masterpiece Works of Medieval Hebrew Literature to Judeo-Spanish: Choice or Chance?’
1445 Ora (Rodrigue) Schwarzwald (Bar-Ilan University): ‘Pre-exilic and Post-exilic Translations Compared: Are They Related?’

1515-1545 Tea

1545 Paloma Díaz-Mas & María Sánchez Pérez (CSIC, Madrid): ‘Prensa sefardí manuscrita: el periódico judeoespañol El Mesajero / The Messenger (Los Ángeles, 1933-35)’
1615 Julie Scolnik (CSIC, Madrid): ‘Advertisements in the Judeo-Spanish Periodical La America: A Reflection of the Sephardic Society of New York’
1645 Celine Piser (University of California at Berkeley): ‘Reexamining the Réveil juif: Constructing a Modern Sephardic Identity’

1715-1800 Reception
Address by  Yehoshua Salti, Founder of the Ladino Studies Center at Bar-Ilan University, Israel

Wednesday 14 July

0930 Ana Stulic-Etchevers (Université Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux 3): ‘La variación vocálica en los textos judeoespañoles de la prensa judía de Sarajevo (1924-1941)’
1000 Yvette Bürki & Rosa Sánchez (University of Basle): ‘El periódico La Vara de Nueva York: un acercamiento desde la lingüística del contacto’
1030 Carsten Sinner, Elia Hernández Socas & Encarnación Tabares Plasencia (University of Leipzig): ‘Towards a Transcription Standard for German Elements Inserted in Judeo-Spanish Texts’

1100-1130 Coffee

1130 Pilar Romeu Ferré (Tirocinio Press, Barcelona): ‘“Agua tibia, media vida”: el agua como remedio en el Séfer refuot (Salónica, 1855)’
1200 José Alberto Rodrigues da Silva Tavim (Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical, Lisbon): ‘“Las palomas a bolar, my amor bueno”: cultura sefardí en un puerto indio del siglo XVI, Cochin’
1230 Susy Gruss (Salti Center, Bar-Ilan University): ‘“Biba, biba la Reyna Esther Morguez con toda la Djoudéria”’

1300-1345 Lunch

1345 Jacob Haguel (Salti Center, Bar-Ilan University): ‘Shelomó Israel Cherezli – su obra literaria y su contribución a la difusión de publicaciones en ladino a principios del siglo XX en Jerusalén’
1415 Stephanie von Schmädel & Amor Ayala (Freie Universität Berlin): ‘Viena y sus estudiantes sefardíes: la sociedad académica “Esperansa” (s. XIX y XX)’
1445 Orly C. Meron (Bar-Ilan University): ‘Crisis and Budgeting: Salonica‘s Jewish Community, 1928-1934’

1515-1545 Tea

1545 Zeljko Jovanovic (Universidad Complutense de Madrid): ‘Il ?uflet dil pastor de Isak Papo: una versión sefardí del cuento de orejas de Midas’
1615 Mara Lockowandt (Royal Holloway, University of London): ‘Responses to the Dreyfus Affair in Ottoman Zionist Literature’
1645 Tracy Harris (Bradley University): ‘Thirty Years of Judeo-Spanish Research: Past and Present Trends’

1730-1815 The Cynthia Crews Lecture. Beatrice Schmid (University of Basle): ‘“Revisto y corijado por Šelomó Yisrael Cherezlí”: en torno a grandes y pequeñas incursiones de un editor de novelas sefardíes’

Thursday 15 July

0930 Ángel Berenguer (University of Basle): ‘Los pretéritos en el judeoespañol del siglo XVIII’
1000 David Bunis (Hebrew University of Jerusalem): ‘Literary Reflections of Codeswitching among Judezmo-speaking Sephardim before World War II’
1030 Sandra Schlumpf (University of Basle): ‘Valores semánticos y discursivos de las oraciones condicionales reales en judeoespañol moderno’

1100-1130 Coffee

1130 Jelena Filipovi? & Ivana Vu?ina Simovi? (University of Belgrade): ‘Modernity and Language Shift in Sephardic Communities of the Former Yugoslavia’
1200 Elena Romero (CSIC, Madrid): ‘Sefardíes levantinos vs. sefardíes de Marruecos: incomprensiones léxicas’
1230 Aitor García Moreno (CSIC, Madrid): ‘Glosas de andar por casa en los cuentos sefardíes tradicionales recogidos por Cynthia Crews en Salónica a principios del siglo XX’

1300-1345 Lunch

1345 Nela Kovacevic (Universidad de Granada): ‘En la mesa sefardí’
1415 Elisa Martín Ortega (CSIC, Madrid): ‘La poesía de mujeres sefardíes en los siglos XX y XXI: palabra, exilio y memoria’
1445 Katja Šmid (CSIC, Madrid): ‘Yoré de‘ á de Eli‘é?er Papo: un compendio judeoespañol de normas para mujeres sefardíes del siglo XIX’

1515-1545 Tea

1545 Samuel G. Armistead (University of California at Davis: ‘Bevis of Marks: The Sephardi Ballad of the Hunting of Celinos’
1615 Messod Salama (Memorial University of Newfoundland): ‘A Garland of Midrashim: el romance de El Paso del Mar Rojo. Between Agada and Haggadah.’
1645 Hilary Pomeroy (University College London): ‘How Jewish is the Sephardi Romancero?’

1830 Dinner at Bevis Marks Synagogue, 4 Heneage Lane, off Creechurch Lane, London EC3A 5DQ (nearest tube stations Liverpool Street and Aldgate East)

Conference Committee:

  • Emeritus Professor Michael Alpert, University of Westminster
  • Dr Annette Benaim, University College London
  • Research Professor Ralph Penny, Queen Mary, University of London
  • Professor Christopher Pountain, Queen Mary, University of London
  • Dr Hilary Pomeroy, University College London
  • Professor Shmuel Refael, Bar-Ilan University
  • Dr Elena Romero, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid
  • Miss Sizen Yiacoup, King’s College London

Conference sponsored by

Fuente: Queen Mary – University of London

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  1. Awesome post mike, it’s been a long-time since I’ve been on here. I see that nobody has lost their passion. Good to be back.

  2. What is the difference between Judeo-Spanish and just normal Spanish?
    Quite honestly I’ve never even heard of Judeo- Spanish.

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