Movie Premiere JOURNEY FROM TUNISIA – 18 Jan 2018

We invite you to join the Seattle Sephardic Network for

«The Future of Sephardic Identity:
Film and Interactive Discussion»

While Sephardic Identity provides a link to the past for many, is it important moving forward? Join de Seattle Sephardic Network as we experience the premiere of a short documentary, «Journey from Tunisia» by local Sephardic filmmaker Jonathan Maimon.

This is a film of finding one’s history, the upheaval of centuries of roots for Jews and their Arab neighbors in North Africa, and the forming of new roots in Israel, soon after its rebirth as a nation. Through his film, Maimon entrust us with the spell-binding story of his Sephardic grandparents from emigration to immigration, encompassing upheaval, disappointment, and adaptation.

The half-hour film will be followed by an interactive discussion with  a diversity of voices on what the future of Sephardic identity could – and perhaps should – be.

Sephardic desserts, coffe and tea served. Dietary restrictions observed.

Thursday, Jan 11, 2018 – 7:30 to 9 PM

Mt Baker Rowing & Sailing Center
3800 Lake Washington Blvd. S.
Seattle, WA 98118

Tickets $5 each though Eventbrite:
Please RSVP


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