Maftirim: Unutulan Yahudi-Sufi Geleneği

Maftirim is a hymn-singing tradition unique to the Turkish Jewish community, still practiced in Istanbul’s Sisli Synagogue. Most of the religious Jewish music in the Maftirim repertoire has strong connections to Ottoman court (classical) music. Many of the hymns sung in Turkey’s synagogues are precise replications of Ottoman vocal and instrumental genres such as pesrev, sarki, and beste, but with liturgical text written by different poets from the 16th century and onwards. This sacred Maftirim music utilizes many of the same aesthetics in the Ottoman makam system. The Maftirim repertoire is derived from Mevlevi dervish music, which is also divided into different makams. It is sung by men every Saturday during several months on the Jewish calendar year after the prayer ritual of the Sabbath.

Judeo-Sufi Connection
Unutulan Yahudi-Sufi Geleneği
16.-20. Yüzyıl Edirne – İstanbul

Ses Taksim (trad.) 1:12 – Start: 0:01
Azkir Hasde El (Abraham) 5:29 – Start: 1:08
Yismah Ar Tsiyon (Yehuda) 2:36 – Start: 6:40
Hadeş Kekedem (Chaim) 4:15 – Start: 9:17
Mizmor Şir LeYom AŞabat (King David) 2:37 – Start: 13:33
Meulal Şem (Behor Mevorah) 3:54 – Start: 16:09
Maru Kol Şarim (Moses) 2:25 – Start: 20:05
Eloe Tsidki (Abraham) 2:58 – Start: 22:30
Hişavti (Shapsi Hayim) 8:18 – Start: 25:26
Ahare Nimkar (trad.) 2:14 – Start: 33:45
Ya Şalad (trad.) 3:10 – Start: 36:00
Yistmah Şalom (Isaac Varon) 3:03 – Start: 39:10
Akav Birhateha (Isaac Varon) 2:44 – Start: 42:15
Yeme Levavi Biroti (Neyzen Yusuf Pasha) 4:38 – Start: 45:08
Yişlah Mişamayim (Tanburi Itzhak) 2:08 – Start: 49:37
El Ar BatSiyon (Avtalyon) 4:38 – Start: 51:45
A_u E_ _u (Moshe Ben Natan) 3:21 – Start: 56:23
El Şelah et Tişbi (Avtalyon) 3:11 – Start: 59:45
Hag Amarkabim (Moshe Beccerano) 5:14 – Start: 1:02:58


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