King of Morocco's Support of Jewish Community honored at American Sephardi Federation's 2010 Gala Benefit Dinner

«The call of fundamentalism is heard in Morocco too: The difference lies in Morocco’s response.»

NEW YORK, NY (December 14, 2010) – The American Sephardi Federation paid tribute to His Majesty King Mohammed VI, for his leadership in promoting tolerance among all Moroccans and for his ongoing support of the Moroccan Jewish community. In a response to the tribute to the King delivered by his emissary Serge Bergudo, the Ambassador at Large for the Kingdom of Morocco, the analysis was succinct and insightful: «The call of fundamentalism is heard in Morocco too: The difference lies in Morocco’s response.»

L-R: The Hon. Serge Bergudo receiving the award on behalf of His Majesty King Mohammed VI from  David E.R. Dangoor, President of the American Sephardi Federation.  Also seen is Dany Devico Moyal, ASF Dinner Co-Chair (Photo Credit: Elliot Moscowitz)
L-R: The Hon. Serge Bergudo receiving the award on behalf of His Majesty King Mohammed VI from David E.R. Dangoor, President of the American Sephardi Federation. Also seen is Dany Devico Moyal, ASF Dinner Co-Chair (Photo Credit: Elliot Moscowitz)

The comments were made at the American Sephardi Federation’s 2010 Gala Benefit Dinner which this year celebrates 2,000 Years of Jewish Life in Morocco, the theme for a year-long series of events being held under the High Patronage of His Majesty the King.

In front of 300 guests including international dignitaries from Canada, France, Israel and Morocco, King Mohammed VI, was feted as the most recent in successive generations of Sultans and Kings who courageously defended the values of their country and its Jewish citizens. Mr. Berdugo related the King’s direct quote saying: «The distinctive features of the Moroccan identity stem from a deep respect for the revered religions, including Judaism. Indeed, Moroccan Judaism – with a history of nearly three thousand years – is a key component of our identity.»

King Mohammed VI is unique among today’s leaders of the Arab world is his staunch defense of the Jewish community, his outright challenge to those who would deny the Holocaust and his ongoing projects that support Jewish causes. In fact, in his remarks paying tribute to the King, the President of the ASF, David E.R. Dangoor, cited His Majesty’s historic pronouncement, when he declared that the Holocaust «Is a wound to the collective memory, which we know is engraved in one of the most painful chapters in the collective history of mankind.» Mr. Dangoor stated that «the remarks offer a stark contrast to the willful amnesia now commonplace in some parts of the Muslim world, where denial and distortion of the Holocaust have become widespread.»

The Keynote Address was delivered by former US Ambassador to Morocco, Marc C. Ginsberg, the first Jewish Ambassador ever appointed to an Arab country. Ambassador Ginsberg lauded more than 220 years of US-Moroccan friendship and declared «a strong, vibrant Morocco means a stronger America. In a turbulent region where America can’t count on reliable friends, how fortunate the American people are to have such a trustworthy and reliable ally in Morocco.» The Moroccan-American Treaty of Friendship of 1787, is the U.S.’s longest such unbroken friendship treaty.

The Hon. Marc C. Ginsberg (Photo Credit: Elliot Moscowitz)
The Hon. Marc C. Ginsberg (Photo Credit: Elliot Moscowitz)

On this night, the Leon Levy Leadership Award was presented to Florence Amzallag Tatistcheff, Carlos Benaim and Norman S. Benzaquen. This prestigious award is annually bestowed upon Sephardic Jewish leaders who selflessly work to preserve their traditions by building, supporting and uniting their Jewish communities, as well as reach out to their fellow communities across the country promoting the continuation of Sephardic Jewish culture.

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Founded in 1973, the American Sephardi Federation (ASF), is the largest American organization dedicated to the promotion of the culture of the Sephardi Jewish population in the United States. A partner at the Center for Jewish History in New York City, the ASF strives to celebrate the contributions and accomplishments of Sephardic Jews in the United States and around the world, by holding cultural events, an annual major film festival, scholarly conferences and other events.

Source: ASF

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