Judeo-Spanish in contact with Portuguese: A historical overview by Aldina Quintana

Judeo-Spanish is de language spoken by Sepahdim, the descendant of the Jews who were expelled from the kingdoms of Castile and Aragon in 1492 and found refuge in the Ottoman  Empire. Judeo-Spanish has been in contact with several  languages. This paper focuses on the contact between Judeo-Spanish and Portuguese following the inmigration of Portuguese Jews and Crypto Jews to the Ottoman Empire from the late 15th century to the 18th century. The outcome of these contact was the integration of linguistic patterns and lexical items from Portuguese into Judeo-Spanish via accomodation in the pre-koine, or later though other pathways, beforePortuguese speakers definitively shifted to Judeo-Spanish.



This is a contribution from Portuguese-Spanish interfaces: Diachrony, synchrony, and contact.
Edited by Patricia Amaral and  María Carvalho.
© 2014. John Benjamins Publishing company

aldina.quintanaAldina Quintana
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Dept. of Romance and Latin American Studies


Fuente: Academia.edu

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