Famous Sephardim | Sefaradíes Famosos: Yehoram Gaon

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Sephardic Jews have lived in many countries and lands. They have always brought with them a zest for life and a beautiful culture that is reflected in their creative work. In this seccion, a few of the many famous Sephardic Jews who have positively contributed to the world we live in. From rabbis to doctors and actors to poets, these Sephardic Jews have changed the direction and intensity of both the Jewish and Western World.

Los judíos sefardíes han vivido en muchos países y tierras. Siempre han traído consigo un gusto por la vida y una cultura hermosa que se refleja en su trabajo creativo. En esta sección, algunos de los famosos judíos sefardíes que han contribuido al mundo en que vivimos. Desde rabinos hasta médicos, desde actores hasta poetas, estos judíos sefaradíes han cambiado la dirección y la intensidad tanto del mundo judío como del mundo occidental.


Yehoram Gaon

Popular Israeli singer and actor and the son of Sephardic immigrants. Yehoram Gaon grew up in Jerusalem and aspired to be an actor.

During his army service he performed in the Nahal entertainment troupe, but he did not formally begin his singing career until his release from the army.

He performed with several singing groups, and achieved his first major professional appearance with his leading role in the musical Kazablan.

Since then, Gaon’s career as a singer, actor, and director has flowered. He has produced almost fifty albums, including of Ladino music, has performed extensively in Israel and abroad, and has starred in television and movie productions. Among these is Operation Thunderbolt, the movie made about the 1976 rescue at Entebbe which starred Gaon as Yoni Netanyahu. He has recently compered the Israel Broadcasting Authority documentary series for the Jubilee Year, entitled, «T’kuma».

In addition to his work in performing arts, Gaon has recently entered the political arena. In 1993 he was elected to the Jerusalem City Council and has worked extensively for the city, primarily in the area of cultural and municipal arts.

He has indicated that he may well be interested in pursuing a political career, but retains his interest in promoting Israel, together with its popular and folk music.


Popular cantante y actor israelí, hijo de inmigrantes sefardíes. Yehoram Gaon creció en Jerusalém y aspiraba a ser actor.

Durante su servicio militar participó en Nahal entertainment troupe, pero no comenzó formalmente su carrera de cantante hasta su que terminó el ejército.

Se presentó con varios grupos de canto, y logró su primera aparición profesional con su papel principal en el musical Kazablan.

Desde entonces, la carrera de Gaon como cantante, actor y director ha florecido. Ha producido casi cincuenta discos, incluyendo música en ladino, ha actuado extensamente en Israel y en el extranjero, y ha protagonizado producciones de televisión y películas. Entre ellos está la Operación Thunderbolt, la película sobre el rescate de 1976 en Entebbe que protagonizó Gaon como Yoni Netanyahu. Recientemente compuso la serie documental de Israel Broadcasting Authority para el Jubilee Year, itulada «T’kuma».

Además de su trabajo en las artes escénicas, Gaon ha entrado recientemente en la arena política. En 1993 fue elegido Jerusalem City Council y ha trabajado extensamente para la ciudad, principalmente en el área de artes culturales y municipales.

Ha indicado que bien puede estar interesado en seguir una carrera política, pero conserva su interés en promover Israel, junto con su música popular.

Fuente: lastar.org

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