Escritores Sefaradíes: Jane Mushabac

Jane Mushabac

Jane Mushabac es la autora de libros, cuentos y ensayos. Varias de sus obras de ficción exploran el mundo de los judíos sefardíes bajo el seudónimo de Shalach Manot. Tiene una M.A. de la Universidad de Harvard y un Ph.D. de la City University of Nueva York, donde es profesora de inglés.

Su último trabajo es una novela, His Hundred Years, A Tale by Shalach Manot (Sus Cien Años, Un cuento de Shalach Manot)

Sus numerosos premios incluyen una beca Mellon y un premio internacional de ficción Leapfrog Press por su novela, His Hundred Years, A Tale de Shalach Manot. Escribió su cuento, «Pasha», en Ladino.

Su obra de radio NPR, Mazal Bueno: Un retrato en la canción de los judíos españoles, está disponible en CD, y su monólogo, «Joya Gormezano», fue interpretado enel programa de Tovah Feldshuh, Tovah: ¡Fuera de su mente! Un espectáculo que se realizó off-Broadway en el Jazz at Lincoln Center en Nueva York en 2004 y que ha viajado a más de cincuenta ciudades.

Es coautora de A Short and Remarkable History of New York City (Fordham University Press and Museum of the City of New York, 5th printing 2008), un «Best of the Best» de la American Association of University Presses.

Su libro sobre Herman Melville fue llamado «audaz y ambicioso» por Sewanee Review, y sus ensayos de Melville han aparecido en el Columbia Journal of American Studies y en MLA anthology. La obra de Mushabac ha sido traducida al ruso, al alemán, al búlgaro y al turco.

Enseña la escritura creativa en City Tech, un campus de CUNY en Brooklyn con estudiantes de todo el mundo.


  • A Short and Remarkable History of New York City
    Jane Mushabac and Angela Wigan
    A “Best of the Best” of the American Association of University Presses
  • Mazal Bueno: A Portrait in Song of the Spanish Jews
    CD of radio play commissioned for National Public Radio broadcast
  • Melville’s Humor: A Critical Study
    Melville’s fiction and his reading of French, Spanish, and English works
  • His Hundred Years, A Tale
    His Hundred Years, A Tale by Shalach Manot is a novel about a Turkish Jew, a peddler, an everyman, in the fast-deteriorating Ottoman Empire and in New York.

Short writings

  • Diversity and the Jews
    Essay. Conversations (Autumn 2014).
  • Sephardic Jewry: Not Built in a Day
    Review essay on After Expulsion: 1492 and the Making of Sephardic Jewry by Jonathan Ray. Jewish Currents (Autumn 2013). »
  • Seven Songs
    Essay. Conversations (Spring 2012).
  • Is “Sephardic” a Name Brand?
    Essay. Conversations (Spring 2010).
  • New Jersey
    Short story. Chautauqua Special issue, Words and Music (issue 7, 2010).
  • Ishmael or Ishfemale: Gender and Humor
    Essay. The Columbia Journal of American Studies online, Featured Article of the Month (Fall 2007).
  • Rebecca Touro Lopez
    Signed article in Jewish Women: A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia. CD-ROM, Jewish Publication Society (2006). Updated version of article in Jewish Women in America: An Historical Encyclopedia. Eds. Paula E. Hyman and Deborah Dash Moore, Routledge.
  • Homero Aridjis’s Picaresque Novel
    Review essay on 1492: The Life and Times of Juan Cabezón of Castile by Homero Aridjis. Midstream Yiddish/Ladino issue (Summer 2006).
  • Judith and the Theme of Sapientia et Fortitudo
    Essay on tenth-century epic. Classical and Medieval Literature Criticism. Ed. Jelena Krstovic, Vol. 68, Gale (2004).

    Going Out on a Limb: Joha
    Review essay on Folktales of Joha collected by Matilda Koén-Sarano. Midstream Yiddish/Ladino issue (Summer 2003).

  • Notes on Teaching Moby-Dick
    Essay. Approaches to Teaching Melville’s “Moby-Dick.” Ed. Martin Bickman, Modern Language Association (1985, 3rd printing 1997).
  • Book Review of Melville and Repose: The Rhetoric of Humor in the American Renaissance by John Bryant
    Modern Philology (May 1996).

    Brief aus New York an besorgte Deutsche
    (Letter from New York to concerned Germans), essay. Trans. into German Matthias Fienbork. Freibeuter (Berlin quarterly) Special issue, international commentary on German violence against immigrants (1993).

  • Sunday
    Short story. Survival Prose. An anthology from the St. Marks Fiction Workshop. Introduction by Seymour Krim. Eds. John Gerald and George Blecher, Bobbs Merrill (1971).
  • That Ol’ Time Unionism, With a Futuristic Beat
    Village Voice (October 23, 1969).
  • Review of Mystery and Manners by Flannery O’Connor
    Village Voice (3 July, 1969).

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