Call for Papers: Articles based on lectures from the 16th World Congress of Jewish Studies

16th_world_congressFollowing the World Congress of Jewish Studies held last summer, the World Union of Jewish Studies would like to publish articles based on lectures from the Congress. All who lectured at the Congress and are interested in publishing an article based on their lecture are invited to contact us. We see particular importance in articles that can be included in journals with a thematic focus. To that end, we encourage the submission of groups of articles from lectures that were presented within related sessions or that were proposed together as pre-planned, topic-specific, sessions.

In order for us to prepare the articles for publication, we encourage all lecturers at the 16th Congress, and especially all those who organized or participated in pre-planned sessions, to collaborate with us in this matter.

Anyone wishing to submit an article is requested to inform us in writing via e-mail by March 31st. Articles may be submitted, in Hebrew or English, by December 1, 2014.

The articles will undergo peer review and linguistic editing and will appear in special thematic issues of the World Union of Jewish Studies publication, the journal Jewish Studies.

World Union of Jewish Studies

World Union of Jewish Studies (WUJS)
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The Rabin World Center of Jewish Studies
POB 24020, Mt. Scopus, Jerusalem 91240, Israel
Tel: 972-2-5325841 Fax: 972-2-5325910

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