35th IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy: speaker Jeffrey S. Malka | August 7-12, 2016


IAJGS 2016 Speaker Profile: Jeffrey S. Malka

jeffrey_malkaJeffrey Malka is the author of the prize-winning book Sephardic Genealogy: Discovering your Sephardic Ancestors and their World(Avotaynu, 2002) and creator of the SephardicGen Resources website.

Descended from a long line of Sephardic rabbis going back to 13th century, Spanish tax-farmers, blacksmiths, as well as 14th century cabbalists and authors, he is one of the pioneers of Sephardic genealogy in the United States.

Dr. Malka was an invited lecturer at the Library of Congress, several IAJGS annual conferences, Washington Jewish Historical Society, and Jewish Genealogy Societies in the US, Canada, Spain, and Istanbul.

He received the IAJGS Lifetime Achievement Award in 2012.

Visit his website at http://www.sephardicgen.com/

SephardicGen and its Resources” (Mon-109), 10:30-11:45 P.M.

SephardicGen is a major website for Sephardi genealogy. With over 50 searchable and sourced databases and close to 200,000 names, it also contains a Sephardic gazetteer, an extensive bibliography, sections on Sephardi genealogy resources arranged by country, Sephardic history, links to over 100 Sephardi family websites, calendar conversion tools, and much more.

This presentation will demonstrate how best to use its wealth of information.

Category: Mizrachi research, Repositories, Sephardic research

Sephardic Surnames Through the Millenia” (Tues-124), 1:30-2:45 P.M.

This presentation will discuss the evolution and transformation of Jewish surnames from biblical times to the present. Because hereditary Sephardic surnames can be so ancient (many go back to the 12th century) they are of great value when searching through the archives.

This presentation will illustrate how history and local languages affected Jewish surnames and ways to document true name variants from imaginative interpretations. We will also see when and why Sephardi and Ashkenazi naming patterns diverged.

Fuente: iajgs2016.org

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